Your Spring Break Road Trip Survival Guide

If you’ve ever taken a long road trip with your kids, you know it can be a pretty painful experience. Between the repeated “Are we there yet?” and the potty breaks, you almost need a second vacation to recover from this one. However, at Value Van & Car Rental, we believe that with a little preparation, the journey can be just as fun as the destination. So, we’ve put together a few tips to help you survive your upcoming spring break road trip.

Spring Break Survival Guide

Plan, Plan, Plan

A successful vacation is all about the planning, and that includes planning for the time spent on the road. Plan for the inevitable messes so, when spills or accidents happen, they don’t derail the whole venture. Plan to make your kids as comfortable as possible. If you’re driving through the night or they’ll be napping on the road, make sure they have their comfort items. Finally, plan bathroom breaks and plenty of them, but be flexible and manage your expectations because kids aren’t as good at waiting as adults are. So try not to get too frustrated when they need to potty every 20 minutes!

Bring Something New

It’s hard to keep your kids engaged for long periods of time, so you’ll definitely want to pack a variety of toys. But, among their favorite things, we also recommend packing a new toy for the ride so the novelty can capture your child’s attention for just a bit longer. Maybe a few small, inexpensive wrapped toys that you can give them at intervals during the long hours on the road could buy you some car ride peace and quiet.

Rent a Minivan

The fact is: minivans were built for families, so if you don’t own one, rent one! They come with ample space, extra storage capacity, and more cupholders than you have sippy cups. At Value Van, we even have upgrade options for your minivan rental, such as Sirius XM Radio, TV, and DVD player. Honestly, a minivan will take your spring break road trip to the next level.

As you plan for your spring break road trip, don’t forget to reserve your minivan rental from Value Van & Car Rental. Contact us at (908) 851-9595 or make a reservation online. Serving Union, Jersey City, and the surrounding areas, Value Van ensures a great rental experience from start to finish.